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How to use a one-time card.

30 April 2021 - 1 min read





Shop smarter and safer with Klarna’s one-time card.

Pay later, everywhere.

Ready to start shopping? Follow these simple steps.

Search for your favourite store in the browser.

Yep, we mean any store! They don’t need to have Klarna available at the checkout. Shop like you normally would and add the things you love to your cart.

Pay with K.

When you get to the payment screen, select ‘Pay with K’ in the app and enter your total amount.

Use your one-time card.

Once the app has generated your one-time card, copy and paste the card details into the payment section.

Check out.

Just like that you’ve made your first purchase with Klarna’s one-time card.

Wanna check your payment schedule?

Click on ‘Payments’ in the My Klarna tab in the app.

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