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Update to Klarna fees.

8 September 2022 - 1 min read





So what’s changing?

We’ve decided to change our approach to late fees. From 24 October 2022 our late fees structure will become tiered, based on your total order value to further encourage timely payments and healthy spending habits. Any late repayments on purchases below $25 will now incur no late fee. For purchases above $25, a fee will be charged as per the structure table below.

What else is changing?

If you don’t know, you can hit the ‘snooze’ button in the Klarna app and we’ll provide an additional 14 days to give you a little extra time to make the repayment. We’ll no longer charge a fee for snoozed repayments on purchases under $25. There is however a fee on snoozed repayments on orders $25 and above depending on the total order value. You can only snooze each order once – so use it wisely!

Table 1 – Klarna fee structure
Table 1 – Klarna fee structure

Who can I speak to about getting some help with my payment plan?

If you’re experiencing financial hardship and need help to plan your future payments, email

so we can find a solution together.

Where can I find out more?

We are constantly re-evaluating the ways in which we can encourage healthy spending habits and protect consumers from taking on too much debt. One of the safeguards we have in place is to offer small amounts of credit and only release more if people demonstrate responsible spending behaviours.


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