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    Log in to get an overview of your purchases, upcoming payments and settle them easily with one click.

  • Business login

    Log in to manage your orders, payout reports, store statistics, and general settings.

How can I report a fraud attempt?

If you are concerned that you may be a victim of fraud, you can immediately pause your payments by reporting the unauthorized purchase in the app

  1. Log in to the

    and select the unauthorized purchase

  2. Select Report a problem and choose I suspect identity theft

  3. Follow the prompts to submit your claim

  4. Your payments will be paused while we investigate on your behalf

If you don’t have the app please contact us directly.

Note: Pay attention to Klarna communications after your report since we might reach out if we need more information

Should I also report it to the authorities?
​​Yes, if you believe an unauthorized purchase has been made in your name, you should report this first in the app and immediately after to the authorities.

Additional actions:

  • Report the related card or transaction to your issuing bank

  • Provide us with your Police report case number as soon as you get it


 to learn more about how we protect you from purchases or charges made without your authorization.

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