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Feedback and complaints

Klarna wants all its customers to have the best experience possible. However, we recognise that we don’t always get it right, or sometimes things can go wrong. If you do have feedback or a complaint for us, we want to hear it, as we are dedicated to continually getting better.

How to contact us with feedback or complaints

Everyone has the right to expect a good service . If you are dissatisfied, please contact Klarna’s

first. They want to sort out problems or misunderstandings that have arisen and they can also take your views further, and, if still needed, register a complaint on your behalf.

Alternatively you are also able to lodge a complaint directly with Klarna through via email at

or via postal mail (with the keyword “Complaint”) to:

Klarna Australia c/o WeWork,
Level 14,
5 Martin Place
Sydney NSW 2000

What to expect from us

Once you have lodged your complaint with us:

  1. We will acknowledge receipt within 2 business day of receiving it.

  2. We will provide you with an update and initial response within 10 days, if we still have not reached a final determination.

  3. We will resolve your complaint within 30 days.

What if I am not satisfied with the outcome?

If you are not satisfied with our response, you can then lodge your complaint with the

, which is the independent body providing consumers with dispute resolution for financial complaints.

You are able to lodge your complaint via:

Should AFCA’s determination also be unsatisfactory to you, you can further escalate your complaint to the independent

(CCC). The CCC will determine whether a breach of the BNPL Code of Practice has occurred and will take any appropriate action. The CCC can be contacted or at

Copyright © 2005-2024, Klarna Australia Pty Ltd, ABN # 82 635 912 579.