How long does it take for my return to be registered?
The store is responsible for registering your return. That’s why we recommend you reach out to them directly for updates on your return. If you have any questions about your return, check the store’s website for information on their return policy.
If your return hasn’t been registered and your due date is approaching, let us know you’ve returned items to pause your payment plan:
Go to
Select the purchase you want to return
Tap Report return and follow the instruction to pause your payments
Once your return has been registered by the store, your payment plan will be adjusted accordingly and we’ll notify you and send you an email with an updated payment plan.
Waiting longer than expected for your return to be registered?
Submit the returns information at any time in the
– follow the prompts to enter the tracking details & the date you made the return. If after 21 days your return is not registered correctly by the store we can always support you if you’ve provided the required returns information.And always be sure to keep copies of your correspondence or proof of your attempts to contact the store.
It can take between 30 to 50 days for Klarna to reach a decision on the investigation, therefore we advise you to solve the issue with the store even after you’ve reported your return.
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