
So funktioniert Klarna

  • Customer login

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    Log in to get an overview of your purchases, upcoming payments and settle them easily with one click.

  • Business login

    Log in to manage your orders, payout reports, store statistics, and general settings.

How do I change an administrator for my Merchant portal account?

If your account has multiple administrators, any of the administrators can make changes to administrator access via the Merchant portal. Go to the

section and update any existing user’s role, or add a new administrator by clicking on Invite user. Enter the new email address, along with the desired user role and click on the Send invite button. An activation email will be sent to the new user.

If the only administrator has left the company, contact

for further assistance.

Copyright © 2005-2024 Klarna Bank AB (publ). Headquarters: Stockholm, Sweden. All rights reserved. Klarna Bank AB (publ). Sveavägen 46, 111 34 Stockholm. Organization number: 556737-0431