Chat with Klarna

Could you please provide the following information

I hereby consent to Klarna treating my personal data in accordance with Klarna's

Are you not yet using Klarna's payment solutions and are you interested? Click on the button below to get in direct contact with one of our employees.

I hereby consent to Klarna treating my personal data in accordance with Klarna's

The integration is not working. What should I do?

If your integration is not working, first check:

Test mode is switched off
Klarna API credentials are entered in the correct place in your plug-in
You have the correct version of Klarna plug-in installed
If you can’t see Klarna’s iframe, it might be due to:
Klarna’s plug-in not being activated
The page with terms and conditions is not linked
Another plug-in is disrupting Klarna’s plug-in
The design of your webshop, meaning your theme, is not compatible with Klarna plug-in

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