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Hand holding phone with Klarna app open
Hand holding phone with Klarna app open

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Pay in full, click, done

Go direct, for the smoooth experience

Pay in full with Klarna is the ideal option for delivering your customers the most friction-free direct purchases while maximising the value for your business thanks to guaranteed payments.

Direct payments that increase conversions.

For one-off purchases, a low-friction payment with great UX increases conversions. One click experience for Klarna’s existing customer base with autogiro mandates. For first time customers the set-up with autogiro is 100% digital using bankID and takes only seconds. Customer identification and pre-fill results in a three-fold increase in conversions.

Recurring payments that lower churn.

For recurring purchases money is taken from the customer’s bank account via autogiro each month without any customer action. Tokens with no expiration date are backed by invoice as fallback should a payment from bank account fail. Lowering passive churn in this way can greatly increase customer lifetime value. Using direct debit for recurring purchases results in half the failure rate of cards.

Friction-free payments, hassle-free integration

Add a Klarna payments widget to your checkout page and you can offer the smooothest customer experience on the market.

Keep your customers on your site

Fewer interruptions make shopping smooother. With Klarna, your customer won’t be redirected, however they pay. So you offer the best customer experience while maintaining your own brand’s look and feel.

One integration for every feature in every market

Integrate Klarna once and you’re done. You can expand your business into new markets, new products and new services with no intervention required. You always get the best Klarna available, and it’s always compliant in the markets we serve.

Dynamic payments presentation

Klarna’s payments widget enables you to show a user’s preferred and most relevant payment options, and they’ll never see an option for which they are not eligible. Evidence shows us that tailoring our offer to consumers and products has a positive effect on average order value.



Klarna Checkout is pre-integrated to most e-commerce platforms. The easy setup is straightforward and it won’t be long until you can start accepting payments.

Klarna developers


Here you will find the integration guides, API documentation for those wanting to integrate directly with our systems, and more to help you get started.

You had me at smoooth