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Connect your bank account to ensure we can process your refund successfully.

Select your bank and follow the instructions on the screen to authenticate and choose the bank account where you would like to receive your refund.

Open Banking is a secure way to connect to your bank and share account information with us. The connection and the data are strictly regulated by the EU & OBIE (Open Banking Implementation Entity) and the local regulators.

Open Banking allows us to get your account details directly from your bank. This way we ensure that the account belongs to you and that the account number is complete and correct. So no need to worry about mistyping your account number.

We can access financial information. That is bank account data such as a list of available bank accounts, chosen bank account(s), account holder, IBAN/BIC/account number, client number, account balance, overdraft limit, pending transfers, account history (ie. historical transactions), amounts, counter parties of specific transactions etc.
We will only use the account holder and the IBAN/BIC/account number.