KlarnaSell with KlarnaMerchant SupportOrders & refundsOrders & refundsOrders & refundsCanceled orders | Expired orders | Order details | Order statuses | RefundsCanceled ordersHow do I remove an order?How do I cancel an order in the Merchant portal?Why is my customer’s order canceled by Klarna?Expired ordersWhat is the order’s expiration date and how can I extend it?What does ‘Expires soon’ mean?What can I do with an expired order?What happens with a customer’s payment when an order expires?Order detailsWhere can I find the orders in the Merchant portal?What do the different order details mean?Order statusesWhat do the different order statuses mean?What is a ‘Stop request’?Does Klarna communicate stop requests to customers?What does the ´Pending’ or ‘Rejected’ order status mean in the Merchant portal?RefundsHow do I register a returned order?How do I remove an item from the customer’s order?How do I refund an order?When will a customer receive the refund?What to do if a customer pays me directly?