
So funktioniert Klarna

  • Customer login

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    Log in to get an overview of your purchases, upcoming payments and settle them easily with one click.

  • Business login

    Log in to manage your orders, payout reports, store statistics, and general settings.

Why do I need to verify my details when paying?

We ask you to verify your details to ensure your information, and purchases associated with your email address, are shared securely.

These are the ways by which we can verify your details:

  • We’ll send you a verification code by email to verify your email address

  • We’ll send you a verification code via SMS to verify your phone number

  • We’ll ask you to log into your bank to verify your identity

  • We will ask you to upload a photo ID together with a selfie

What is PSD2?

The Second EU Payment Services Directive (PSD2) makes online payments more secure by requiring a stronger customer authentication procedure (SCA). Because of the directive, you need to confirm your payment with a second authentication step (two-factor authentication). For example with a fingerprint in the online banking app or an additional verification code.

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