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Worldline ja Klarna laajentavat maksutarjontaa Euroopassa

17. helmikuuta 2021 - 3 min. lukuaika


Mikaela Kaulbars-Staudinger

B2B Marketing Manager

Worldline X Klarna featured image

Maailmanlaajuinen shoppailupalvelu Klarna ilmoittaa aloittavansa strategisen yhteistyön Ingenicon kanssa. Ingenio on ollut osa Worldlinea, Euroopan maksutapahtumapalvelujen markkinointijohtajaa, vuoden 2020 lopusta lÀhtien. Yhteistyön laajentumisen myötÀ Klarnan verkkomaksuratkaisut ovat nyt entistÀ useamman eurooppalaisen kauppiaan kÀytettÀvissÀ.

Lue lehdistötiedote kokonaisuudessaan alla (eng):


Worldline and Klarna expand payment offering across Europe

Klarna, the leading global payments and shopping service, announces a strategic collaboration with Ingenico (part of Worldline, the European leader in the payment and transactional services industry, since late 2020) to make Klarna’s online payment solutions accessible to even more European merchants.


The expansion builds on an initial successful rollout in the Nordics, Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Now merchants across Belgium, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom will also have the ability to implement Klarna’s seamless checkout experience and full payment suite*. Klarna’s payment solutions allow merchants to offer their consumers more flexibility, transparency and convenience when shopping online. Through the partnership, Worldline and Klarna will be complementing each other’s services, while expanding Klarna’s potential merchant base and global consumer brand. Shoppers will continue to enjoy a smooth, user friendly checkout experience when paying via Klarna.


“By including Klarna into the Worldline payment platform, we pursue our mission to support merchants on way to efficient growth. Several studies indicate that almost half of the customers abandon their purchase if their preferred payment method is not accepted. Offering a broader choice of popular payment methods helps the merchants increase their conversion rates,” highlights Frederic Loos, CMO, Merchant Services at Worldline.


“We are excited to partner with Worldline and become a true growth partner for all their merchants. The last year has seen unprecedented change in retail and e-commerce becoming the increasingly dominant engagement channel for merchants across markets. Together with Worldline, we help merchants to adapt to that change and to offer a better online shopping experience for consumers. Klarna’s payment solutions enable merchants to meet changing consumer demands, while ultimately unlocking growth, and driving customer satisfaction and loyalty,” says Alex Marsh, Head of Klarna UK.


About Worldline

Worldline [Euronext: WLN] is the European leader in the payments and transactional services industry and #4 player worldwide. With its global reach and its commitment to innovation, Worldline is the technology partner of choice for merchants, banks and third-party acquirers as well as public transport operators, government agencies and industrial companies in all sectors. Powered by over 20,000 employees in more than 50 countries, Worldline provides its clients with sustainable, trusted and secure solutions across the payment value chain, fostering their business growth wherever they are. Services offered by Worldline in the areas of Merchant Services; Terminals, Solutions & Services; Financial Services and Mobility & e-Transactional Services include domestic and cross-border commercial acquiring, both in-store and online, highly-secure payment transaction processing, a broad portfolio of payment terminals as well as e-ticketing and digital services in the industrial environment. In 2019 Worldline generated a proforma revenue of 5.3 billion euros. 


Note to editors
*Product availability varies per market





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