KlarnaKlarna for businessMerchant SupportIntegrationIntegrationIntegrationIntegrating Klarna | Klarna API credentials | Logs | Platforms & partnersIntegrating KlarnaWhen can I start integrating Klarna?How does the integration process work?How do I integrate Klarna?The integration is not working. What should I do?What is the username and password I need to add in my platform?Why am I sent back to the shopping cart when I try to complete the purchase in the checkout?Klarna API credentialsWhere do I find and generate Klarna API credentials?What are the Klarna API credentials and how do I use them?I’ve lost my Klarna API credentials. What should I do?My API credentials don’t work. What should I do?How do I fix the error message ‘401 Unauthorized’ in the checkout?I believe my API credentials are being misused. What should I do?LogsHow do I read log entries?Can I define multiple filters while searching for information?Platforms & partnersWhat platforms do you work with?How do I integrate my Shopify store with Klarna?How do I troubleshoot Shopify errors?How do I integrate my WooCommerce store with Klarna?How do I integrate my BigCommerce store with Klarna?How do I add the Klarna API credentials to my BigCommerce store?