Why was the investigation of my return closed, even though my return hasn’t been registered yet?

There may be various reasons why the investigation into your return was closed, despite the return not being registered yet.

The most common reasons are:

  • Incomplete or invalid information was provided
    If we contacted you for further information but didn’t receive the requested information, the investigation will have been closed and your payments no longer paused.

  • The store registered your return
    If the store registered your return the investigation would’ve closed automatically. If the return registered by the store is not correct, please contact the store to find a solution.

  • The store informed us that the payments are correct and/or that the return is invalid
    If the store confirmed that the payments were correct or the return was deemed invalid, the investigation will have been closed and your payments no longer paused.

  • You have canceled your return
    If you cancelled your return in the Klarna app, the investigation will have been closed and your payments no longer paused. Please note, it won’t be possible to report a return twice for the same purchase. If your issue is not resolved, please contact the store to find a solution.

Can I report a return again?
No, it’s not possible to report a return for the same purchase twice, but we have extended your due date to give you more time to resolve the issue with the store. If the due date is approaching and you haven’t been able to come to an agreement with the store, collect all relevant information before

with our Customer Service.

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