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Roger W. Ferguson Jr.


Born: 1951

Gender: Male

Citizen of: The United States of America

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Economics, Harvard University

Doctor of Law (J.D.), Harvard University

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Harvard University

Board member since 2021

Board assignments

Board member of Klarna Holding AB, Alphabet, Inc.; Corning, Inc, and International Flavors & Fragrances, Inc. Active as an advisor and board member with various private fintech companies.

Serves on the boards of The Conference Board, the Institute for Advanced Study, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Columbia University’s Teachers College, Norton Museum of Art and 9/11 Memorial & Museum.

Other assignments

Member of Smithsonian Institution’s Board of Regents

Fellow of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences and co-chair of its Commission on the Future of Undergraduate Education

Fellow of the American Philosophical Society

Member of the Economic Club of New York, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Group of Thirty, and the National Association for Business Economics.

Previous positions

2015 – 2021

Board member of General Mills, Inc.

2008 – 2021

President and CEO of TIAA

2006 – 2008

Head of Financial Services and Member of Executive Committee for Swiss Re

1999 – 2006

Vice Chairman, Board of Governors of Federal Reserve System

1997 – 1999

Member, Board of Governors of Federal Reserve System

1984 – 1997

Associate & Partner of McKinsey & Company

1981 – 1984

Attorney at Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP