What is phishing and how can I identify it?

Phishing is when someone initiates fraudulent communications that appear to come from a trusted source. It mainly happens through email (but it can happen through any channel) and the goal is to steal your credit card number, your password or other sensitive data to then use it, for example, to purchase goods or services.

To spot a scam or phishing attack, ask yourself:

  • Is the sender unknown to you?

  • Is this contact you received unexpected?

  • Are there any spelling or grammar mistakes?

  • Are there unusual links or attachments?

  • Are you being asked for personal details and security information?

  • Is the sender rushing you to make a decision?

If the answer is Yes to some or all of these questions, it might be a potential phishing attack. We encourage you to immediately interrupt communication (delete the email or hang up the phone) and possibly report the phishing attempt to the trusted source.

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