Need more assistance?

Please complete the form below and we will be happy to help you as soon as we can.

For more information regarding the handling of personal information, click 


For an immediate response, please 


For queries concerning your goods, for example merchandise or returns, please contact the e-store where you placed your order.

All fields marked with an * are required.

This is the eight digit alphanumeric code that can be found in the payment instructions email or letter we sent to you.

For enquiries concerning payment or refunds, we would kindly ask you to provide us with a print screen or photo of your bank statement, showing the payment in question. The following information needs to be displayed clearly:

  • Bank account holder

  • Account number to where you transferred the payment

  • Amount transferred

  • Transaction date

  • Reference number used

Please note, that as a payment provider, Klarna can only assist with payment related queries. Should you have any questions regarding the goods (e.g. delivery, returns etc.) please contact the e-store you purchased from directly, to ensure you get the quickest and best support experience.

Accepted file formats: .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .pdf, .heic, .eml

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