KlarnaFor BusinessMerchant SupportOrders & refundsOrders & refundsOrders & refundsCanceled orders | Expired orders | Order details | Order statuses | RefundsCanceled ordersHow do I remove an order?How do I cancel an order in the Merchant portal?Why is my customer’s order canceled by Klarna?Expired ordersWhat does ‘Expires soon’ mean?What can I do with an expired order?What is the order’s expiration date and how can I extend it?What happens with a customer’s payment when an order expires?Order detailsWhere can I find the orders in the Merchant portal?What do the different order details mean?Order statusesWhat do the different order statuses mean?What does the ‘Pending’ or ‘Rejected’ order status mean in the Merchant portal?Does Klarna communicate stop requests with customers?What is a ‘Stop request’?RefundsHow do I refund an order?How do I register a returned order?What to do if a customer pays me directly?When will a customer receive the refund?How do I remove an item from the customer’s order?