Why is On-site messaging not showing on my page?

If you have any issues with displaying on-site messaging placements made using the 

, try the following:

  • Check if you’re using the correct environment (

    vs. production)

  • Check if you’re using the correct locale (the locale defines for which country and in which language the advertisement will be shown)

  • Check if the purchase amount is correct (make sure you’re sending the correct purchase amount in micro-units format)

  • Make sure that the inline is not set to true in the placement (this can cause issues if your setup is not enabled for inline placements)

  • Make sure not to hide the placements using CSS

  • Check that your <klarna-placement> and script tags are valid HTML, and make sure you are only loading one instance of our JavaScript library

If you’re a Shopify retailer, we suggest using our 

. The app can’t be used at the same time as our manual  since the features will overwrite each other. If you are already using the app but don’t see your placements, check out our troubleshooting tips for the app .

Still need help? Please contact our