how Klarna works
how Klarna works

A smarter way to shop and pay

Join our global community of 85 million active users and over 575,000 retailers. Enjoy secure shopping, lightning-fast checkout, and pay the flexible way—in full today, in 30 days, in 4 interest-free payments, or over time.

Shop smart, pay your way

Pay in 4, interest-free

Buy now and pay later with 4 interest-free payments, or choose another Klarna option that suits you.

Shop securely

Get extra peace of mind with Klarna's buyer protection, and pause payments when reporting problems or returns.

Checkout with confidence

Pay with Klarna and breeze through checkout when you shop your favorite brands or stores.

How does Klarna work?

Find what you love and pay your way. With Klarna, you’re in control of how you want to pay every time you shop.


Choose Klarna at checkout

Click on the pink badge and pay with Klarna at your favorite stores.


Choose your payment option

You can Pay in full, Pay in 4 interest-free payments, Pay in 30 days, or Pay over time.


Manage everything in one place

Make any remaining payments in the app. We’ll keep you on track with reminders and updates.

Ways to pay with Klarna

Find great deals in the app, shop what you love, and choose to pay in full, later, or over time.

Klarna pay in 4

Pay in 4 interest-free payments

Interest-free never felt so good. Split the cost into 4 payments, paid automatically every 2 weeks.

Pay later

Pay in up to 30 days

Shop first and pay up to 30 days after placing your order. No upfront payments, no interest.

Klarna Pay in full

Pay in full

Pay for what you love right away. Fast and secure, with stored cards and buyer protection.

Klarna Financing

Pay over time

Need more time to pay? Simply spread the cost over smaller monthly payments.¹


Get started in seconds

Sign up for free to start shopping—online, via the Klarna app, browser extension, or in-store with the Klarna Card.

Shop your favorite brands, online and in-store

Discover where you can shop flexibly and securely with Klarna.


Klarna Card

Take the Klarna Card with you

Sign up to the Klarna Card for free, and pay with it online, in-store and abroad—and manage your purchases directly in the app.

Your shopping, but better

It's now easier than ever to save on the stuff you love—let Klarna help you find a great deal.

Get cashback

Earn cashback when you shop in the Klarna app, and redeem it on future purchases.

Compare prices

Find what you're looking for faster, and compare prices across your favorite stores to secure a great deal.

Do it all in one app

Shop what you love, manage your payments, and track your orders—all in the Klarna app.

Upgrade to Klarna Plus

Say goodbye to service fees, and unlock exclusive deals every month.

Meet your shopping companion

Add the Klarna extension to your browser to shop and pay with Klarna everywhere. We'll apply the best coupons at checkout.

Shop in-store

Use the Klarna app to shop now and pay later in physical stores—and keep track of your payments.

Shoppers love Klarna

Join 85+ million people who love to shop and pay with Klarna—rated 4.8 out of 5 on the App Store, with over 1.2M reviews. Here's what they have to say.

Love it!!

"The application itself is very easy to navigate and access. I love how literally any retail company is in this app. Whenever I have inquiries I message the chat support and someone helps me out asap!! I use this app religiously."

- Diana

I am very much pleased with Klarna

"I am very much pleased with Klarna. I’ve used it to make a couple purchases and the process was easy both times. The app is easy to navigate and make payments. I will definitely use Klarna again in the near future."

- JS

Klarna is my favorite go to pay in…

"Klarna is my favorite go to pay in installments app. They have a variety of stores that we all love shopping on. As well as paying in store is super easy. They never disappoint, Klarna is my 1st recommendation."

- KadijahLove